Author name: Andrew

BEDA #13: Storytime

Head too hurty to blog proper today. Instead, I give thee, ‘Shamomma’ reading the kids’ classic, The Monster at the End of This Book. Ten cheers for grandmas reading us stories on YouTube.

BEDA #8: Greatest Blogger sample chapters

Mmm. Today is a good day because I get to share these sample chapters from The Greatest Blogger in the World (out in July) with you. Think of the chapters as cheese, the pdf as the toothpick and me as the old woman giving out samples next to the deli.

BEDA #6: Shoes in the Sky

When I was out riding my bike yesterday I came across this sight: Not that I believe the old myth that says a pair of shoes flung over powerlines indicates the residence of drug dealers but there sure are a lot of shoes up there. Should someone call the Feds?

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