I recently got an email from a teacher at Varsity College on the Gold Coast who had been reading The Greatest Blogger in the World with her Grade 5 class. Apparently they liked the book so much they decided to run their own in-class Greatest Blogger competition. They used the specs from the official competition that ran back in July, to compose a short story with words and terms from the book such as ‘Barcode’, ‘Lola Cat’ and ‘Trunk Food Company’.
The Varsity College Greatest Blogger competition has been and gone and I can now exclusively reveal that the winner of the compeition was Olivia. Good on you Olivia. You are the Greatest Blogger (at Varsity College, if not the world). And here is Olivia’s winning composition for your reading pleasure.
My granny is soooo annoying that we built her granny flat out of straw in the hope that one day, the big bad wolf would come and blow it down and eat her! But instead when she opened the door she saw Lola Cat with the Boots – Puss-in-Boots, along with his famous outback, ironman of an animal BARCODE – or stage name – DUCK ON A LEASH!! I won’t tell you the rest, things might get feathery!
Before Mum’s wedding, I got my hair cut so short that on the day I wore a tuxedo instead of a dress. They were selling illegal red cordial at the time of the after party, so I took my chances and had a sip. It tasted better knowing where I’d end up, because nobody would see me like this in jail. I guess it was the Trunk Food Company behind it.
The biggest animal on our farm is the unshorn merino. At our school par-tay they wanted it there instead of the school mascot. A kid called Dr Maryloaf started to ride it. It’s now in hospital…sad really! It must have been groomed by my mum after her FAP meeting. Mum makes everything look like cardboard…including me! Maybe he thought the merino was one of those cardboard models that you just jump on and ride?
How cool is this! The kids from Mrs Findlay’s year 5 class at Varsity College have achieved worldwide recognition on Andrew McDonald’s Website. Nice work Mrs Findlay and 5C, and Olivia! That’s one crazy blog entry but you know what? It makes me want to go and read The Greatest Blogger in the World – especially knowing that the class enjoyed the novel so much.
Congratulations to the winning entrant, congrats to all the entrants in fact and a big thank-you to Andrew McDonald for accepting and publishing Varsity’s story.
Hi Andrew,
It’s Olivia here. I just wanted to thank you so much for accepting and liking my blog. I was very excited to see it on your page. I very much enjoy writing, and love your book.