Cubby House Men

When I look out the kitchen window at the moment there are men next door building some kind of house that looks more like a giant outside toilet.


It’s such a small place to construct any kind of  building. Perhaps the men are just building their own personal cubby house. That would be pretty cool. If they are building a cubby house I will be able to wave at them from my kitchen when they’re finished building. And maybe they’ll invite me over for lemonade and chocolate in their giant-loo-sized cubby house. Orsome.

5 thoughts on “Cubby House Men”

  1. that’s mad. there is a similarly very small construction site near our house, but it starts on the first floor. it must be the new thing to do.

  2. THIS IS NOT NEAR OUR HOUSE. I found your post quite misleading, and was disappointed to see the fence, as usual, when I looked out the kitchen window.

    Please be more with the clarifying etc. Okay, thanks.

  3. You will need:
    A flying fox.
    Alert water-balloons.
    An open window.
    A well-placed crash-cushion.
    Anti-gravity electric motor on flying fox for getting back home.
    Hay for the giraffe.

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